
Ahab Begot Jezebel : Highly Contagious and Deadly – Part 4 of 4


…I will avenge the blood of my servants the prophets and the blood of all the Lord’s servants shed by Jezebel. The whole house of Ahab will perish…2 Kings 9: 7-8

Ahabs may arrive from nowhere, but seldom without a plan to get somewhere. Jezebels may have personal potential limited vision, but are adept at leveraging the potential of others. While their sticky potential in the natural is obvious, Ahab and Jezebel are bonded by a dark spiritual agency, mutual immorality and loyalty to deception.

After sufficient exposure, deception yields the highly contagious and deadly spiritual virus of delusion. The strength of the virus increases exponentially so long as delusion resides. Infected by delusion, Ahabs beget many more Ahabs, and Jezebels beget many more Jezebels. Only personal reconciliation with biblical truth can arrest this deadly spiritual virus. Delusion, having anesthetized the spiritual senses, makes discerning deception difficult. Delusion embraces emoting as confirmation of true worship.

Structure has brought membership growth, but not liberty to the human spirit. Within organizations acutely infected by the virus of delusion, few lead their lives, households, or relationships in agreement with the spirit of truth. While members may have been infected by Ahab and Jezebel inspired viral delusion, this spiritual infection can’t be eradicated by attacking its communicable agents.

The actual battle for release and relief from debilitating spiritual diminishment is between the spirit of truth and the spirit of deception. Ahab and Jezebel have two abiding connections with deception; it is the progeny of their personal immorality. Should this progeny come under assault by the truth, they will resist dissemination of the truth by attacking the source of revelation or obfuscating the truth itself. They will also enlist the support of the many Ahabs and Jezebels, their viral delusion has birthed.

Truth has its own spiritual authority and power of revelation. Truth is impenetrable and unimpeachable, undaunted yet accessible, courageous and survivable, peerless yet reviewable. Truth needs no gift-wrapping nor ruggedized containment. Truth excavates and evacuates, while seeding and liberating. Truth sets those arrested by deception free, while causing patrons of deceptions to flee. Truth causes dark spirits to cower, while the spirit of life towers. Only the same truth that empowers the Angel Armies can overcome deception. Truth disrobes Ahabs and exposes Jezebels. Truth sets the captives free.

The end of Ahabs who are malfeasant with the authority entrusted to them by God, and the Jezebels who usurp and fraudulently exercise it, is well understood. The end for those who join this sinful mob, choosing the spirit of deception over the spirit of truth is no different, never mind having been infected by those they trusted.