Month: October 2015

Abduction By Obstruction

Abduction By Obstruction

Silence is Fueling the Fight

By His sovereign election, a loving God took the unfathomable risk of granting free-will to men and women. Therefore they have authority to conduct their lives in accordance with the revelations arising from God’s Word, or solely in accordance with the dictates of their conscience. Each has been granted this divine discretion, and is accordingly held solely and personally accountable for their choices.

Those who appease their preconceived opinions or feelings by diminishing the free-will of another to choose yea or nay, act beyond their authority. Every man has the right to be shielded from the tyrannical abduction of personal choice and prerogative at the hands of another, whether inspired by pernicious prejudice or presumptive providence.

Free will discharged in the light of God’s Word is never an accomplice to obstruction of divine discretion. Respectful accommodation of the exercise of divine discretion by another does not require nor infer complicity, and cogent consideration can be extended without endorsement. Respectful accommodation absent complicity, endorsement, or both, does not confirm xenophobia.

Ahab Begot Jezebel : Discerning Deception and Delusion – Part 2 of 4


And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, how long halt ye between two opinions…

and the people answered him not a word – 1 Kings 18: 21

Jezebels are the boots who march to the beat of their Ahabs brokenness. To overthrow Jezebels destructive campaign, one must engage the source from which she draws sustenance, rather than the infidelity of her counterfeit authority. Assault in the natural by wrong words and actions, are impotent against spiritual immorality and deception. A battle in the natural against spiritual forces will have tragic consequences for such ill-advised combatants. All must maintain prescient awareness that Jezebel is first and foremost a spirit as opposed to only a personality.

Jezebel’s embrace of counterfeit authority took flight on the wings of immorality loyal to deception, but now spiritual delusion maintains her purge of the truth. Blinded by the applause of the spiritually deluded, she believes herself to be all-knowing and all-powerful, and her authority to be authentic. Disavowing that she is actually the progeny of Ahab, Jezebel considers Ahab to possess scant potential for accomplishments of note that are not facilitated by her. Ahabs disavow the mutuality of their delusion until the arrow of misadventure penetrates the very gift he sought to surrender to Jezebel.

Jezebels possess unique reptilian qualities, but you can’t kill a Jezebel by simply severing the head of Ahab. Unlike reptiles whose regenerative powers exclude the head, Jezebel is capable of beguiling the spiritually vulnerable into supporting a new titular head she endorses. His given name might be Ahaziah, but his aversion to accountability is even more potent than that of Ahab. Ahaziah functions in even less relational balance with Jezebel than had Ahab. Neither Ahaziah nor his conscripted supporters eschew the delusional ethos of Jezebel or the fatal spiritual consequences of her deception.

Minds blinded by spiritual delusion often manifest what might appear to be spiritual vision, giftedness, and human compassion. Darkness searches out others it can similarly addict to the same elixir of deception. Only hearts that embrace spiritual truth can discern such spiritual delusion. Ones true nature is undeniably revealed by the standard established by the Savior Himself; you shall know them by their fruits. Spiritual diminishment and discord are signatures of deception, whereas spiritual growth and harmony are fruits indicative of commitment to divine truth in operation.

Failure to operate with spiritual discernment exposes every man and woman to the same deception governing Ahab and Jezebel. Whether person or faction, sharing power, providing cooperation, or extending consideration to an Ahab or Jezebel, constitutes spiritual opposition to the Kingdom of God. Though knowledgeable of spiritual truth, immorality advocates aperitifs of deception, where after delusion certifies and facilitates operations in the natural realm that war against the authority of God and His Kingdom. Ahabs and Jezebels know what spirit they operate in, and so must you.

Ahab Begot Jezebel : Immorality Loyal to Deception – Part 1 of 4


    So she [Jezebel] wrote letters in Ahab’s name, placed his seal on them, and sent them

to the elders and nobles – 1 Kings 21: 8

Whether natural or spiritual, conception requires a seed and first cause event. There can never be sunrise or sunset absent sunlight and planetary rotation. There can never be progress absent objective and initiative. There can never be choice absent the right and capacity for free election. There can never be accountability absent responsibility and immutable authority. There can never be a Jezebel absent commission and sanction; all Jezebels, no matter their pre-existing potential are foremost the progeny of Ahabs.

While the disastrous impact of classical Jezebels is well chronicled, how Jezebels attain their thrones of misadventure is seldom scrutinized. Ahabs and Jezebels may be the progeny of aberrant emotional and circumstantial conditioning: adolescents unduly influenced by decidedly matriarchal family structures or denied maternal approval and acceptance. While Ahab can ignite the Jezebel potential in an otherwise disinclined women, a couple so predisposed harbors great potential for treachery and betrayal.

Ahab and Jezebel may at times exhibit a form of giftedness exercised for the benefit of others, yet the discontinuity that undergirds both their effort and inaction is disquieting. The attraction entrapping them is neither authentically romantic nor conventionally social, its inspiration derives from premeditated unethicalness, the spirit of immorality. Conflicted worldview, intellectual, and cultural cues are insufficient to either illuminate or dissuade their pernicious addiction to one another. Tragically for those subject to their influence or leadership, Ahab and Jezebel are devout patrons of deception.

Throughout the Eden era, Prophetic age, to more recent contemporary periods, Jezebels have been presumed to be scandalous and self-inspired. In reality, Jezebels are the boots who march to the beat of their Ahab’s brokenness. Ahab’s aversion to accountability gestates in Jezebel a compulsion to assume responsibility for that which she possesses no authority. Blinded by deception, neither appreciates that Ahab can forfeit his authority, but cannot delegate it. Jezebel confiscates counterfeit authority, for which she must become adroit at both beguiling subterfuge (BS) and spiritual deception.

Jezebel exudes an aura of all knowingness and all powerfulness, beguiling those lacking spiritual discernment. Jezebel craves adulation for herself not Ahab. Jezebel: drives Ahab to attain possessions and positions that enhance her personal prestige, subsumes community accomplishments for her personal glorification, and demands financial tribute to nourish her unquenchable appetite for treasure. Jezebel only destroys, while Ahab lashes out in anger to ventilate that his lament cannot comfort.

When mortally wounded in their death chariots or on their death beds, Ahabs experience their last opportunity for clarity and spiritual redress regarding the tragic consequences of their own creation; Jezebel.